Our Mission

Our Mission
We are an affirming, heart-centered community, co-creating spiritual evolution.

Our Vision
Illuminating Pathways for Humanity to Embody the Divine Presence

Our Core Values
Collaboration, Authenticity, Compassion, Innovation, and Synchro-Divinity

Our Principles

While Unity does not espouse any particular doctrine or dogma, its founders, Myrtle and Charles Fillmore, were known to apply basic principles to life. These principles have been written in many different ways but the concept within each principle remains constant.

5 Basic Unity Principles
1. There is one Presence and one Power in our lives - and it is good.  This Presence is often called "God"

2. We are One with this Presence; therefore, are inherently good.

3. We are co-creators with this Presence, creating reality through our feelings and thoughts.

4. Through prayer and meditation, we align our heart and our minds with this Presence.

5. Thoughts and feelings must be met with action in the creative process.