We are Interconnected!

Unity Spiritual Center offers each Sunday a Service at

10:00 a.m. - both in-person and via Zoom.

  Online Service:  Unity Zoom Link




             9:20 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. (MST)


                Unity Meditation Room



                   SUNDAY SERVICE

                10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

                      Unity Sanctuary

Fellowship Luncheon (after service)

Unity Fellowship Hall

Please bring a dish or dessert to share

with the community. 

See our weekly "eblast" newsletter

for weekly food themes.



Unity "Eblast" Newsletter

Click here for our weekly newsletter.

The eblast is also posted on:

Unity's Facebook Page

   Check out! and "LIKE" our page!


Unity Zoom Information -  Zoom Link

Please make sure your Zoom name is listed as your first & last name for admittance to Unity's Sunday services and special online events.

If you list only your first name then please make sure it can be recognizable to the Zoom Assistant.

If you list your phone models ex. iPhone, Samsung, etc. then you will not be admitted.

For verification of your Zoom admittance or for general assistance contact the Unity Zoom Assistant at: unityzoomassistant@gmail.com