Annual Training Class
- We offer an annual Prayer Chaplain Training scheduled through two in-person sessions.
- The training includes a chaplain training book (provided for you), independent reading and assignments and mandatory in-person training.
2025 DATES:
Part I: Saturday, February 8th, 9:30 AM- 4:30 PM
Part II: Saturday, February 22nd, 9:30 AM- 4:30 PM
Training will be held in the Unity Fellowship Hall, 1945 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs
If you would like to explore becoming a Unity Prayer Chaplain then please contact Carol Crossley (Prayer Chaplain Trainer) at:
Prayer Requests (719) 322-5138
- If you would like to make a Prayer Request, you can call the Prayer Chaplain Line at (719) 322-5138 and leave a message. Your request will be prayed for by the whole Prayer Chaplain Team.
- You can also call the Prayer Chaplain Line and request a call from one of the Prayer Chaplains to pray with you over the phone.
- If you are attending our services on Zoom, you can call the Prayer Chaplain Line and leave a message and one of the Prayer Chaplains will call you to pray with you.
- The messages are checked daily.
Unity Members
- For those who are members of Unity Spiritual Center in the Rockies, each person has an assigned Prayer Chaplain who will call them once a month to offer prayer support.
- If your Prayer Chaplain does not reach you by phone, they will leave an Affirmative message on your voicemail. You can always call the Prayer Chaplain Line and leave a Prayer Request or ask that they call you back.
Becoming a Prayer Chaplain
- If you are at a place on your own Spiritual Path where you feel a nudge to begin your Next Step, you are encouraged to explore the Prayer Chaplain Program. It has been a Spiritual growth experience for those who have chosen it.
- No previous experience is needed, only guidance from Spirit.