Sacred Women's Circle

The Sacred Women’s Circle (SWC) is a dynamic gathering of

women. The group is open to all women interested in connecting with

and supporting each other in the community. Each month the Sacred Women’s Circle meets to enhance each member’s spiritual growth. A mix of speakers, discussion topics, and activities are planned throughout the year by the Steering Committee.

We invite you to join us!

The SWC meets: 

3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. MST

4th Saturdays of the month

Our meetings are both in-person and via Zoom. 

Please check the Unity e-blast and the SWC newsletter

for meeting updates. 

Interested in our monthly newsletter?

Please email us at to join our mailing list.

In addition to the monthly newsletter, you will also receive meeting updates and reminders throughout each month.

Recent Meeting Topics and Events Include:

  • Full & New Moon drum circles
  • Creating vision boards
  • Guided meditations
  • Potlucks
  • Seasonal Living and the Wheel of the Year
  • Earth Day celebrations
  • Discussions on various topics such as the 5 Love Languages and what inspires us
  • Dreams, dream interpretations, and dream catchers
  • Benet Hill Monastery - Labyrinth Tour
  • North Cheyenne Canyon Hike
  • Sept - Annual Member Gathering

The meetings always leave room for fellowship too!

As an active group, the women of the circle also volunteer time and talents

both within the group and to support the community at Unity.

Along with the meetings, members can be found within the

Sacred Women’s Circle Facebook group.

It’s a chance to continue the conversation between meetings and to inspire and support one another.